Keynotes by Ulrike Stahl
lrike’s keynotes have the perfect dose of inspiration for your event. Interactive, gripping, scientifically based, humorous and as inspiring as informative. Impulses that allow your employees and participants, customers and colleagues to think outside the box and provide them with ideas they can implement immediately. Fascinating and vividly presented, peppered with a multitude of national and international case studies about collaboration, cooperation and the new WE in business.
Whether you are looking for a highlight to foster collaboration and cooperation for your next kickoff, employee or management event, congress, customer event, sales or association meeting, Ulrike is a perfect choice.
Tailored to your needs and wishes, top speaker Ulrike Stahl provides the following keynotes.
Let’s do it together!
Hacks for unrivalled successful collaboration
gile, global, virtual, across hierarchies, departments and companies – no success is possible without collaboration. And yet, bosses and employees are struggling because it isn’t working. Guerrilla warfare at board level, power games between managers and employees, silo thinking in teams and departments. Companies that would rather fail alone than strive for cooperation. Can’t we do better? Yes, we can:
Together we are fast, intelligent and innovative. Together we can achieve more than ever before. But only if we stop competing and start cooperating. In this refreshing talk, Ulrike will arm you with hacks that help you to massively boost your ability to create a collaborative working environment – effective immediately.
This keynote is suitable for::
Customer events, annual conferences, general meetings, kick-off events at the start of a project, after mergers, during company mergers and whenever you want to inspire active cooperation.
Winning together
Learn the ABC of cooperation and boost your business
hose who continue to fight alone instead of striving for enriching cooperation are not only wasting resources, they are seriously threatened with extinction.
In this talk that is as entertaining as it is inspiring, Ulrike shares many national and international examples to illustrate why more and more companies are relying on the power of cooperation. You will find out why winning together is worth the effort it takes, and how the ABC of cooperation will allow you and your business to thrive.
This keynote is aimed at:
Association conferences, annual meetings, member and networking events, entrepreneur conferences, start-up events and whenever you want to inspire active cooperation.
First Inspiration then Collaboration – The Keynote + Future Café
Are you expecting more than an interactive keynote on collaboration and cooperation?
The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. John Schaar
You want your participants to implement what they heard and even come up with their ideas? Then take it one step further: Let them put the keynote into practice and share knowledge, experience different perspectives and co-create ideas. Combine the keynote with Ulrike’s Future Café.
Ulrike’s keynote introduces the topic with a central question. Then participants then take over and work on the question. To maximize participants benefit, the Future Café is structured in constantly changing small groups. Ulrike will close this stimulating activity with an exchange about the insights participants gained.
The benefits of the Future Café
→ The participants network and take an active role in their learning experience.
→ Shared understanding and collective awareness of a topic.
→ The exchange stimulates the creativity of all participants.
→ The participants are much more likely to transfer the ideas into their daily practice.
→ You set your event apart from others and surprise your participants.
→ You increase the energy level of your event.
Talk to Ulrike whether your event and venue are suitable for a Keynote + Future Café.